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----- Civil & General Infrastructure

Lufhereng Development Company (Pty) Ltd
Luferenge Housing Development, Protea Glen, Soweto, Gauteng, South Africa
Start Date: 28 June 2019
End Date: 31 March 2021

Project Details

Raubex Infra Project Manager:
Cornel Strydom
Raubex Infra Contract Manager:
Daniele Carnicelli
Raubex Infra Construction Manager:
Nikki Carnicelli
Bigen Africa
Andre Wesson
Resident Engineer:
Sikho Sikhosana
Project Value (Incl. Vat)
R181 510 639,94

Scope of Works:
Nature Of Works:Civil Engineering Services – Roads, Stormwater, Sewer and Water Infrastructure for Lufhereng Ext 7
The Works Include:
  • Clear & grubbing
  • Civil services for 544 erf stands
  • HDPE pipework for sewer and water 19.680kms (various sizes)
  • 3.2kms of spigot and socket pipes for storm water (various sizes)
  • Link storm water culverts, 2.4kms of various sizes including structures
  • Roadworks for 7 kms’ including All layer works
  • HDPE Internal water reticulation mains, reticulated in street reserves consisting of 6.6km of pipes.
  • Internal water reticulation: metered house connections prepaid.
  • Internal water reticulation: connection to existing link water pipes.
  • Internal sewer reticulation: HDPE street front sewer consisting of 6.3km pipes
  • Internal sewer reticulation: house connections.
  • Internal road and stormwater infrastructure: 7.58km kerbed, bitumen surface roads.
  • Internal road and stormwater infrastructure: kerb inlet structures and junction boxes.
  • Internal road and stormwater infrastructure: concrete stormwater pipe culverts
  • Internal road and stormwater infrastructure: installation of cable ducts for electrical reticulation road crossings.
  • Link sewer: HDPE link sewer consisting of 2.1km pipes.
  • Link road and stormwater infrastructure: bitumen surface roads.
  • Link road and stormwater infrastructure: upgrading existing provincial road intersections.
  • Link road and stormwater infrastructure: bulk kerb inlet structures and junction boxes
  • Link road and stormwater infrastructure: concrete stormwater portal culverts
  • Link road and stormwater infrastructure: link water: HDPE link water consisting of 25m pipes
  • Link road and stormwater infrastructure: link water: relocation of valve chamber and associated
Quantity Indicators
Clear & grub                                                                                                                          102 000m²
Earthworks                                                                                                                              50 000m³
Layerworks (roadbed, subbase & base)                                                                             30 000m³
Kerbing                                                                                                                                           14 km
Paving                                                                                                                                         3 200m²
Asphalt                                                                                                                                     41 844m²

Site clearance (all works) excavation                                                                                  19 680km
HDPE pipework (cable, ducts, sewer and water)                                                              19 680km
Electrofusion erf connections (sewer and water)                                                                  544Stands
Stormwater pipes (various pipes spigot & socket)                                                                 3.2km
Kerb inlets/junction boxes                                                                                                       158 no.
Concrete Structure:                          
Earthworks (Channels & Concrete Structures)                                                                  34 000m³
Culvert Various Sizes                                                                                                                     2.4km
Steel Re-Enforcing                                                                                                                        450Ton        
Concrete Volume (Various Specs)                                                                                           4 100m³


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