Lufhereng Development Company (Pty) Ltd
Lufereng Housing Development, Protea Glen, Soweto, Gauteng, South Africa
Start Date: 01 October 2020
End Date: 10 December 2021
Client Project Manager: | Hannes Potgieter |
Raubex Infra Contract Manager: | Nikki Carnicelli |
Raubex Infra Construction Manager: | Brandon Kalil |
Engineer: | Bigen Africa |
| Andre Wesson Dieter Storbeck |
Resident Engineer: | Sikho Sikhosana |
Project Value (Incl. Vat) | R265 488 381,56 |
Scope of Works: | |
Nature Of Works: Civil Engineering Services – Roads, Stormwater, Sewer, and Water Infrastructure for Lufhereng Ext 9, 10 and 11 | |
The Works Include: | |
Contract aims to deliver internal and link water, sanitation, roads and stormwater infrastructure to Lufhereng Extension 9, 10 and 11, consisting of approximately 5000 residential units and supportive land uses. The scope of the contract shall terminate with services connections (water, sanitation, roads and stormwater). HDPE link water consisting of 4.7km of pipe, relocation of valve chamber and associated fittings. HDPE link sewer consisting of 2.3km of pipe. 5.4km bitumen surface roads; construction of provincial road intersections; bulk kerb inlet structures and junction boxes; and concrete stormwater portal culverts. | |
Quantity Indicators | |
Clearing and Grubbing Site | 169 380m² |
Pipe Jacking | 120m |
Reinforced Concrete Chambers | 20 no |
Water Reticulation | 37 411m |
Sewer Reticulation | 38 937m |
Link Water bulk pipeline | 4 699m |
Link Sewer bulk pipeline | 3 045m |
Horizontal Directional Drilling | 1 100m |